Tech Stack for Product Managers!
Why for a PM it is important to understand the tech stack recommended by their architect.
- Understand the long-term implications — scaling made easy, cost implications
- The latest tech stack helps stay relevant
- Future integrations with 3rd party vendors would be easy/minimal effort
- The tech stack selected will be the backbone to tailor your product goals
- Most importantly it helps you build a product with high quality and one that meets customers’ expectations
Generally, web applications development will have the following modules:
- Front end (Client side)
- Backend(Server side)
- Internet (Middleware/API Layer)
Front End:
- This is a client-side component that generally deals with how we present our web applications to our users
- The most commonly used programming languages are: HTML, CSS and JavaScript
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language is a standard for documents designed to be displayed on web browsers
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML or XML
JS: JavaScript is a programming language that is commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers
Some of the frameworks used for HTML and CSS include :
- For HTML/CSS :
Bootstrap, Foundation, Bulma
Ulkit. Susy. Materialize, Pure etc
- For JavaScript:
Angular, Ember, Vue.js, Next, React
Flutter for cross-platform usage
Back End:
- Backend is the server-side component and is more complex
- It make-ups for the complete business logic
It consists of the following
- Operating system
- Web server set up
- Database Storage set up
- Programming language
Some of the frameworks used include :
- Django
- ExpressJS
- Laravel
The most common programming languages used are
- NodeJS, Java, Python
- Materialize, PHP, JavaScript, DART etc
Database Storage Providers :
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Middleware/API Layer :
- Middleware acts as the integrating component between the client-side and server-side
- API are the most common form which includes REST, GraphQL etc
Some of these include :
- Stripe/RazorPay for Payments
- Twillio for messaging
Popular Tech Stack includes:
- MERN (Mongo DB, Express, React/Redux, Node.JS)
- MEAN(Mongo DB, Express.JS, Angular.JS, Node.JS)
- LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
- Python-Django
Take away for PMs:
- Business at large is really not worried about Tech Stack (as long as its working)
- But it is very important to choose the right one because the dynamics of the market keep changing
- Be cognizant of the tech stack to create products that are ready to use not just today but 5 years, 10 years down the line
#TechStack #ProductManager #ProductManagement #KPKR
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